Kala Arts presents Not Apart, Together, an eco-art film screening by The Mycos Project with live original score by Irene Sazer and Kate Stenberg. The evening includes a panel discussion featuring esteemed Ohlone leaders Corrina Gould, Ruth Orta and Kanyon CoyoteWoman Sayers-Roods, along with environmental biologist Ravinder Sehgal and moderated by writer/educator Anna Lappé.
Not Apart, Together is an eco-art film created by Irene Sazer and Kate Stenberg and premiered in San Francisco’s Herbst Theater on March 20, 2022 for InterMusic's SF Music Day with generous support from Kate Bermingham and The Civic Arts Commission. The film - a first for the duo - is a collection of photo stills, video footage, original art and original recorded and live music. It celebrates a diversity of voices sharing information, cultural practices and perspectives. Speaking and singing contributors are Mutsun-Ohlone artist and educator Kanyon Sayers-Roods whose focus is bridging the gap between Indigenous and contemporary value systems, Ravinder Sehgal a San Francisco State University research biologist whose research focuses on the ecology of diseases in birds and Cyril Kowo, a graduate student of ecological sciences in Camaroon. The film includes video, photo and art footage by Stenberg and Sazer along with Alan Freedman, Kirstan Price, Debbie Fier, Edwin Hacking.
For RSVP and Information click here.
The Mycos Project is a collective of multi-media artists, educators and scientists founded by Kate Stenberg and Irene Sazer. Mycos, short for Mycorrhiza, is the symbiotic association between plant roots and fungi. We adopted this name as a metaphor for how all life is dependent on all other life.
Our mission is to expand climate change awareness through the arts, ecological sciences and Indigenous practice. Through the medium of fine arts, we are inspired to present information and encourage solutions.